alex ADAM // roger POP // adrian BRATESCU // otilia SORETE-ARBORE // andreea NICA // georgiana JIPA -
about us
AAstudio is a Bucharest – based interior design studio established in 2005 by Alex Adam and Roger Pop.
From the very beginning the office participated in various design projects: scenography and stage settings for the film “Amen” directed by Costas Gavras as well as restoration and numerous residential interior design projects in Romania .
The studio is focusing on creating residential and public interior design, as well as furniture design with characteristics as innovation, attention to detail and optimal aesthetic. aa studio has been responsible for the design of over 25 projects in Romania. The best known work is the apartment 4BS – an unconventional interior design of a three room apartment combining elements from the aesthetics of the ’60s – ’70s and contemporary minimalism, creating a stenographic effect transforming the 400 square meters residence, which lives from and through light. In 2011, aa studio was invited to participate in the international exhibition “The fresh light of Corian” organized within the Milan Design Week.
AAstudio este un birou de arhitectura din Bucuresti fondat de Alex Adam si Roger Pop in 2005.
Inca de la inceput, studioul a participat la proiecte de design diverse: scenografie si set-up-ul pentru filmul “Amen” regizat de Costas Gavras, precum si restaurare si numeroase proiecte de design interior rezidential.
Studioul se concentrează atât pe proiecte de tip residențial și public, precum și pe crearea unor piese de mobilier ale căror caracteristici sunt inovația, atenția pentru detalii ce îmbină esteticul cu funcționalitatea. În portofoliul aa studio se numără peste 25 de proiecte în Romania. Cel mai cunoscut fiind apartamentul 4BS – un proiect neconventional al unui apartament cu trei camere ce combina elemente ale anilor 60 – 70 cu minimanismul contemportan, creând un efect scenografic ce transformă cei 400 de metri pătrați într-o locuință transformată prin lumină. În 2011, aa studio a fost invitat să participe la expoziția internatională “The Fresh light of Corian” organizată în cadrul Milan Design Week.
EM – First prize at INSING AWARDS – Bucharest 2011, section Interior Design, december 2011
EM – Honorable Mentions at the Annual Architecture Contest – Bucharest 2011, section Interior design, july 2011
A[R]TELIER EVOLUTION – First prize at the Annual architecture contest – Bucharest 2010, section Interior design, august 2010
A[R]TELIER EVOLUTION – Nominalization at BPB Trophy 2010 – Amsterdam, june 2010
4BS – Architectural Awards 2008 – Moscow, habitable interior, november 2008
4BS – First prize at the Annual architecture contest – Bucharest 2008, section Interior design, august 2008
4BS – Nominalization at BPB Trophy 2008 – Brussels, june 2008